inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Thursday, July 9, 2009

enough already!

day in and day out.
so i snapped, and went a little Kaffe crazy...
i've loved this chard fabric for ages.
 just ask my girls, 
they will tell you it's been sitting in my favorites pile forever.
the orange will be the binding, the lavender dots, the backing. 
i had thought i'd do chinese coins, with other fabrics, too.
but it just wasn't working, so i simplified it.
it's fun, for sure.
today i will try basting with safety pins.
(thanks, deb).

the blue one will be next.


  1. What great fabric-it hurts your eyes! in a good way!

  2. I hope this bright and cheerful fabric will bring the sun and warmth back to you! It's a great quilt...let's the fabric do the talking! We've now had a week without rain and i had to refill my bird baths, which for weeks had been refilling quite well by themselves with all the rain we were having.

  3. Wow, this will be stunning! At least you are making the most of the rainy weather, Karen. We had sun this afternoon - hope it comes to you tomorrow!

  4. You must be glewed to your sewing machine Karen, the quilt looks lovely. At last I had a go myself and also gave some attention to my blog which has been neglected of late. Let me know what you think of my attempt. As it often says in school reports, tried hard but needs to improve......

  5. I love, love, love that chard material. It reminds me of the swiss chard I planted this year: bright lights. It's beautiful (the quilt) (well, my chard is too, but I meant your quilt). I'm so envious of you with all that peace and quiet and time to sew and just "be." How wonderful for you. I'll get there someday, I know!
